That was the question asked by "my boy's" vision specialist as she entered the school yesterday. She said, "What is happening? It smells so good in here! What are they cooking?"
I told her the pleasant aroma was originating from the kitchen in the SpEd room. Educator/hunter/chef Jason Martie is at it again! He is cooking bacon-wrapped goose breast. You need to go try some. She said, "No I better not, but my husband would be all about it."
Earlier in the day you could hear comments coming from students... "It smells like McDonald's in here." "It smells like someone is cooking hash browns." "What are they cooking, it smells so good?!" And then you would see a staff member walking down the hall licking the deliciousness off of their lips.
It is no secret this school year that if you smell something good cooking, it is probably Mr. Martie. He has blessed us all with so many great tasting dishes. I don't know who can take his place next year, but I hope somebody gives it a go!
As he, Mr. Martie, was walking down the hall after delivering another plate of samples, I said to him, "Isn't it amazing, how a little bit of good food can bring joy to the heart and a smile to the face!"
Many blessings to you Jason Martie, for blessing all of us!