Today we had a celebration at our house after first worship service. It was to recognize the arrival of a family member to this earth. A birth day! Yes, it was mine. Tomorrow, I will be sixty-two years old. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would live this long. Why? Because my family has a history of cells running wild. Some people call it cancer.
One cousin my age died when we were thirty-four. Another cousin my age, died when we were thirty-eight. My dad was diagnosed at thirty-three, pronounced clear at thirty-eight, but it came back with a vengeance and he left this life at forty-three. And on it goes.
Sitting at the table, with my soon to be three year old granddaughter leading the birthday song, and my grinning grandson singing along, as well as my two daughters, their husbands, and my wife, was enough to make my heart burst with happiness.
I fully expected to leave this life long ago. I tried to pack as much living in before I reached forty-three as possible. I had experienced more blessings and opportunities in those years than most people realize in a lifetime. I am still here. Thank you, Lord, for these bonus years and blessings that I never dared imagine. You are so good to me!
Another "Happy Birthday" to me!