Blarney Castle. We had heard that wait times to kiss the stone could run upwards of two hours, so we arrived early, 9:28, went straight to the castle and up to the top. By 9:58 we had already slobbered on the rock! Goal accomplished!!! The rest of our time there was spent leisurely.
As per usual, someone got in trouble again!
But I was not alone!
I believe this is an old "liquid relief chute." Supposedly, liquid could be funneled away but arrows could not enter!
You can sort of see a stone kisser.
This is the stone kisser helper. You have to lay on your back, pull with your arms, and bend your back downward to reach the stone. After watching Phil and I, Paula and Theresa were content to let us have the "gift of gab" "eloquence of speech" or "blarney!"
Me. Kissing the Blarney Stone. Bucket list. Check.