Normally, I get this treat once a year. We have it on Christmas morning. My daughters and I have encouraged my wife to make it more than once a year. A couple of weeks ago, we had breakfast for supper at a family dinner and she made it! Yay! My younger son-in-law's family, who had not had it before, liked it. Later, that same week, our small group had breakfast for supper and she made it again! Woo hoo!
Fast forward to yesterday. I asked my wife if she would make it for "my peeps" at school. She did, and I took it. I did not get to eat any this time as I gave it all away to first timers. I had polled my peeps last week and none of them had enjoyed the experience before. Three of the people I had promised it to were not at school yesterday, but I had no problem finding other eaters! Funny how that works.
Some of the comments were - "I'm a fan! Can I get the recipe?" "This is fantastic!" "That was really good!" "Thanks for sharing that!"
For those of you reading this who have never had German Pancake, I will attempt to post the recipe as soon as I can.