For a long time public speaking has ranked among the top fears people have. In fact, the fear is so great, that given the choice between being the person who is speaking at a funeral or being the person in the casket, the majority choose the casket.
Is it any surprise then that people hesitate to share their faith? People will ask. Your children will ask you why you believe. Other family members will ask you. Your coworkers may ask you for your reason, and so may others.
Reason for Hope, is a class designed to strengthen your foundation. Our faith in Jesus is not a blind faith. We don't believe just because a preacher, Sunday school teacher, small group leader, or even a parent, says we should. We have to decide for ourselves if we believe. Even so, when we decide we do believe in Jesus, we need help learning how to give an answer or defense for the hope we have. Not all of us will be called to share our faith with hundreds of people at once, but we all will be given opportunities to share one on one.